
Add your endorsement to the bottom of this page.

I have been a neighbour of Sheldon and his lovely family for over two years now and am more than impressed with his integrity, energy and commitment to the people of Tauranga and the environment.  I believe that Sheldon does not just talk the talk but will walk the walk and be a very hard working and conscientious councillor for the people of Tauranga. 

– Kathie Mackie-Smith

I am very proud to recommend my eldest son Sheldon for Council.  He and his lovely wife Shantelle are wonderful parents to our three wee grandsons and they have a strong interest in enhancing Tauranga as great place for families, young and old.  As a keen cyclist, Sheldon will promote cycleways for optimum use and safety.  He has always given 100% to all his challenges, such as university studies (including Master of Business Administration), gruelling Ironman events, Tedx, and his own successful marketing business. He is now ready to apply his enthusiasm, talents and academic qualifications serving the people of Tauranga.  He has already spent hundreds of hours preparing for this new challenge.  If you want an enthusiastic, capable, caring councillor, I urge you to vote for Sheldon.

– Barry Nesdale

Sheldon has great energy and enthusiasm and I believe he will bring a vision for Tauranga that will provide a strong future for our city for us and our children.

– Ben Rickard

If you would like someone with high energy, commitment, the ability to listen plus a younger outlook then I believe Sheldon Nesdale is the right person to be representing the people of Tauranga as a councillor on the Tauranga City Council.

– Frank Taylor

Sheldon has the ability to listen to understand, then provide solutions to help an organisation with the problem at hand while also taking into consideration and contributing to the longer term plans or purpose of an organisation. He has  a very patient approach which allows everyone he communicates with to feel involved and respected. Sheldon also has the passion to stand up for and deliver on the things that he believes will make a difference to what he is working towards. I have worked on numerous projects with Sheldon over the last 10 years and believe that his character and approach will make him a great Councillor for his constituents and the Tauranga City Council.

– Stephen Strawbridge

Tauranga will be well served with your energy, focus and commitment.  You understand and embody what it means to be of Service.

– AmayahGrace

The thing about the Tauranga City Council is, that it appears, from my perspective, that the council puts its own interest above the the citizens. Which means that the people involved look first after their own advantage and the once they know. But in your research things are as they are and as close to reality as visible. Well, we need somebody with that simple, honest approach and analytical mind. And, what you have on top of that is heart and soul.

– Bruno Schlatter

“Even though Sheldon emails me with high frequency, and with some email campaigns mentioning my first name as often as 14 times, it’s hard to dispute his energy and his ability to simply get things done. Look at startup weekend, look at TEDxTauranga, and now look at Sheldon’s running-for-council effort. It’s inspiring, it’s encouraging and we need more Sheldon’s in the world.”

– Dan Necklen

“Sheldon’s great enthusiasm is matched by his persistent and committed activity and his professional yet friendly collaborative attitude to the job.”

– Kate Steeds


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