
Knock Knock. My goal to visit 5000 more homes in my campaign for election onto Tauranga City Council

I might be knocking on your door soon.

I have set a new goal of visiting 5000 more homes before this Tauranga City Council election finishes on 12 October 2019.

I start knocking next Friday in the Otumoetai/Pyes Pa ward (which includes Matua, Brookfield, Judea, Bethlehem and Tauriko).

This effort will bring my total to 12,000 homes visited since my first campaign 3 years ago in 2016.

I think the issues are very different this year than they were in 2016 (or in the 2017 by-election), so I need your help to learn what’s on peoples minds.

What are the issues?

What needs fixing?

Here’s what’s been brought to my attention in the past.

Reply using the comment box below or email me or call me to tell me what’s on your mind.

In the meantime, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for your encouragement. Thanks for your votes. Thanks for engaging with the city. Thanks for taking an interest in local body politics.

F.y.i. the key dates for this Tauranga City Council election are:

  • 1 Jul 2019: Electoral Enrolment Centre campaign starts
  • 19 Jul 2019: Nominations open for candidates
  • 16 Aug 2019: Nominations close and electoral rolls close
  • 20-25 Sep 2019: Voting papers delivered
  • 12 Oct 2019: Polling day and declaration of preliminary results
  • 17-23 Oct 2019: Official results declared


Sheldon Nesdale
Candidate for Tauranga City Council

MBA.Waikato.(2011). BECom.(Hons.Mktg).Waikato

c/o 64Bit Co-working Space, 64b Devonport Rd, Tauranga 3110, New Zealand
Phone: (07) 575 8799
Mobile: 021 128 5046

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Who Can We Trust? Sheldon Nesdale. Elect Onto TECT

Hi, my name is Sheldon Nesdale and I am standing for election onto TECT.

I believe I have the skills and experience to be a very effective trustee and I’d love to serve you in this way.

Can I count on you to vote for me and help spread the word that I am the candidate others should vote for?

Q: “Why Should We Vote Sheldon Nesdale Onto TECT?”

For 9 reasons: Continue reading “Who Can We Trust? Sheldon Nesdale. Elect Onto TECT”

“Why is TCC debt increasing to almost $1 Billion over the next 10 years?”

In this 8 minute video about Tauranga City Council debt you’ll find out:

  1. What debt is for
  2. How council debt is different from household debt (mortgages)
  3. What is causing this additional debt

“Why are TCC rates increasing by almost 10% year on year for 3 years?”

In this 6 minute video about Tauranga City Council rates increases you’ll find out:

  • What the proposed annual rates increases are for the next 10 years
  • The 5 uses for those funds

7 Lessons I Learned From 6780 Visits To Tauranga Homes

I recently announced the achievement of my goal of visiting 1000 more homes in my campaign for election onto the Tauranga City Council.

I’m a meticulous note keeper and recorded the ideas that residents shared with me.

I have analysed what they told me and distilled their thoughts into these 7 lessons.

1. We All Love Tauranga Deeply

  • This probably won’t surprise you because you probably love Tauranga too
  • I knew I loved Tauranga, but I didn’t realise how deep this passion went with everyone I met
  • Would you get the same response if you sampled any city or town in New Zealand? Perhaps. But do they have the same depth of passion as we do in Tauranga? Perhaps not

Continue reading “7 Lessons I Learned From 6780 Visits To Tauranga Homes”

8 Reasons Why We Are Voting For Sheldon Nesdale

To win this Tauranga City Council by-election which ends 1 May 2018

  1. Listens. Sheldon Nesdale has visited over 5800 homes in the Tauranga area to connect with residents and listen to their ideas and concerns
  2. Qualified. Sheldon has an MBA (Masters in Business Administration) from Waikato Uni
  3. Future. Sheldon has 3 young boys at home so he thinks about the future and the legacy we will leave behind
  4. Prepared. Sheldon has read thousands of pages of council documents already (his summaries and videos are on his website)
  5. Connected. Sheldon has interviewed 50+ national & local community leaders to understand their perspective and ideas
  6. Leader. You may recognise Sheldon’s name from the events he has brought here: TEDxTauranga, Tauranga StartUp Weekend, The Dry Dock Breakfast Club
  7. Action. Sheldon has a reputation for injecting fresh ideas, and taking action
  8. Solutions. He generates practical solutions to problems instead of complaining and blaming

How To Fix Tauranga’s Recycling

On this page you will find out:

  1. Why I do, or do not, support each of councils proposals for recycling and waste management
  2. My ideas for vastly reducing our waste to landfill and improving our recycling programmes
  3. Answers to your frequently asked recycling questions

Elect me on to Tauranga City Council and within 18 months my aims are:

  1. To increase the volume of glass recycled by 100% from 2017 levels (this should be easy, and needs little help from me)
  2. To start the construction of an Anaerobic Digestion facility to process the cities food waste for the next 50 years
  3. To mobilise citizens to create a declaration to parliament that we want refundable deposits on beverage containers
  4. To create more transparency on where the items that we think we are recycling ultimately end up
  5. To improve the way we communicate how the financial savings from reducing our waste benefit us all on at a personal (or household) level
  6. To mobilise citizens to petition the manufacturers of their favourite products to make more environmentally friendly packaging choices

Continue reading “How To Fix Tauranga’s Recycling”

32 Ways To Fix Tauranga’s Traffic Congestion

You may be aware by now that I’m a candidate for the Tauranga City Council by-election.

I’m focusing my campaign on a handful of issues. The first of which is Tauranga’s traffic issues.

I have created the following list of 32 ideas to fix Tauranga’s Traffic congestion.

I ask you to share these ideas, debate these ideas, and add to them if you can.

Image credit: SunLive

What can we do as individuals to manage congestion?

Continue reading “32 Ways To Fix Tauranga’s Traffic Congestion”

Who do we need to represent us on Tauranga City Council?

I think we need someone who is passionate about families, who thinks about the future and the legacy we will leave behind.

Someone who cherishes our elders, and understands the value of our youth.

Who wants a council that provides excellent value for money, that is open, transparent, and inclusive.

Has business acumen, communication skills, and above all is a good listener.

Someone passionate enough to read thousands of pages of council documents, interview 50+ national & local community leaders, and visit over 5500 homes in the Tauranga area to connect with people and listen to their ideas and concerns.

Who is known for injecting fresh ideas, taking action, and leading teams to achieve remarkable results by setting ambitious goals and making relentless progress.

If these are the qualities you value, vote for Sheldon Nesdale.